jeudi 25 avril à partir de 18h00
When we get ready to leave, to depart,
Do we say goodbye;
To a place?
To a person?
To a time?
To an action?
To a memory?
To a present?
To a plant?
To a bed?
To a moment?
To a book?
To a door?
To a love?
To a loneliness?
To a light?
To a shadow?
To a painting?
To a flower?
To a window?
To a landscape?
To a smell?
To a past?
To a loath?
To the dearest things we care for
And to the things we want to forget
Basée à Paris, Park Chae Biole est une artiste coréenne multidisciplinaire, née en France. Elle travaille sur différents supports, dont la sculpture, la peinture, la performance, l’écriture et l’installation. Diplômée de L’ENSAPC (Cergy-Pontoise) en 2020, elle s'intéresse aux possibilités de déplacement des corps contraints.