For its reopening, Glassbox presents You Wanted It Darker, an exhibition of paintings realized by Louis Gary over the last six months.
Feeling both fear and desire intertwined, some people are waiting for a collapse. To witness this catastrophe would be to finally satisfy the ultimate fantasy: that of reaching the horizon. An imaginary line towards which we run, and above which words float: paradise, progress, apocalypse or revolution. Of course, it is not the words (and the ideas to which they stick) that Louis has problems with, but rather this tension towards the horizon, as an imperious obsession relegating to the background the manifestations of a singular and rough present.
What he is interested in is rather right under our feet, under our eyes, under our skin.
By dint of stirring polystyrene, wood, plaster and paint, Louis Gary eventually made paintings, without having the intention to do so. With both hands on this circumscribed and rebutted form, he is now trying to turn it into a field of experience; for feet, blood vessels, plants, people and objects.