Opening hours
from 6pm
Restitution of a residency as part of the TRANSAT programme run by Ateliers médicis.
Les mains ont la parole offers a context conducive to encounters, otherness and transmission between the hearing artist Geoffrey Badel, the hearing choreographer Daniel Lühmann, his collaborator, and the members of the Adult Department of ARIEDA (Association Régionale pour l'Intégration et l'Éducation des Déficients Auditifs) which has been supporting deaf adults in Montpellier since 1982.
From August to October, the visual artist welcomed a group of fifteen deaf people to his studio every Wednesday to organise workshops based on the participants' stories and experiences.
Event attended by a French sign language interpreter.
Ariéda Occitanie has been supporting deaf children and adults since 1982. It develops actions and projects in the region aimed at providing individual schooling in a mainstream environment for young hearing-impaired people, their social and professional integration and that of deaf adults.
Geoffrey Badel was born in 1994. He graduated from the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Montpellier in 2017, and took part in the Saison 6 post-graduate programme, created in 2018 by MO.CO. Alongside these experiences, in France and abroad, he works in schools and with deaf people and those suffering from psychological disorders to offer workshops and pass on his practice. His work has been shown at the MO.CO, the FRAC - Occitanie Montpellier, the Musée d'art contemporain de Sérignan, the Fondation Bullukian in Lyon, the 67th Salon de Montrouge, and the Centre Pompidou Metz.