The Chocolate issue
Glassbox welcomes the launch of the 4th issue of Club Sandwich, 176 pages dedicated to chocolate.
On this occasion, Club Sandwich takes over the space on Rue Moret with a 100% cocoa scenography presenting the proposals of :
Hugo Avigo, Roca Balboa, Claire Baldeck, Elvire Bonduelle, Anna Broujean, Chloé Elmaleh, Louis Gary, Aurélie Jacquet, Raphaël Lugassy, Pia-Mélissa Laroche, Marine Peixoto, Clara Prioux, Mamali Shafahi, Paul Windle, Etaïnn Zwer.
Club Sandwich is an independent French magazine. Each issue focuses on a particular food and its cultural and societal representation in various and eclectic fashions.
Articles range from history, sociology and anthropology to economy, politics and art.
The magazine is not an encyclopedia but rather an anthology of informative content infused with humor. Halfway between a magazine and a book, Club Sandwich shows the multifaceted aspects of its subject and envisions print as a media that needs time to be discovered. With its strong aesthetics, the visuals give rhythm to the publication transforming it into a kind of hybrid that is half journalism, half contemporary art.