Thursday, 10 Jun from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Collectif ChôSe
Thursday, June 10, 2021 | 6:30 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Why would you want to make work disappear? Work remains a value shared by the majority of the population, and not just for the wrong reasons. However, we believe that its current definition is limiting, as it is still associated with labor and pain, and we therefore propose to open it up to the measure of the cognitive-spiritual potentialities of the human being. How to think the future of man without realizing a neurogoulag type dystopia? The strategy of the octopus, vigorous in despite of the flaccid aspect of its flesh, and which lets itself be carried by the dominant currents, seems to us to be a beautiful metaphor of the transhuman future which awaits us.
But what do we mean by “making work disappear”? What kind of disappearance are we talking about? The ambition of this international conference is not to answer this question in a univocal and definitive way, but to leave it open so that the deep being of the participants can be penetrated in the long term by the arcana of these bold proposals.
Extract from the Symposium welcome booklet, held at VillaGora from September 28 to October 1, 2020.
Ségolène Thuillart – The Head of the Job
Installation, performance
Mélanie Yvon – the scouting
Installation, reading
Louise Mariotte – Parlons peu, parlons bien
Rozenn Veauvy – The water that flowed under the bridge
Performance – with Çağla Erdoğan and Ugo Ballara
Benoît Toqué – Tanguy Riou
Matthieu Blond – Newswork
Hélène Carbonnel – Biche Dorée
Sortie des publications Wunderleaks et chômage et sexualité.
Avec la participation de Mathilde Garcia-Sanz, Ségolène Thuillart, Mélanie Yvon, Louise Mariotte, Rozenn Veauvy, Benoît Toqué, Matthieu Blond, Barthélemy Bette, Hélène Carbonnel, Xavi Delme, Carole Louis.