Rémi Lécussan


May 10, 2023 - May 20, 2023


Wednesday, 10 May from 6:00 PM to 9:00 AM


13 rue de Belfort, Montpellier

Emotionally sensitive
Turned off the wifi at night,
A bird feather
In the shell of the phone
A video game
in a lucid dream
The phone in rice
A bug, a insect in the ear,
A tick in a piercing,
An LCD phasma, a naturalized
The image honey – the human wax
Bee foraging poppy.jpg

Cooling aesthetics ;
Arctic liquid freezer
In a blink of an eye
An image bank robbery,
Les beats of a pig’s heart
On the smartwatch screen.

Rémi Lécussan was born on April 18th 1997.
He grew up in the Gers and obtained his DNSEP from the École Supérieure d’Art d’Aix en Provence in 2022.
This proposal is a winner of the “Grande Forme” programme, a call for projects supporting short exhibitions.

Cedits : Nassimo Berthommé