Jennetta Petch & Szymon Kula

Sous les épis,  l'armure

the Jan 27, 2024


Saturday, 27 Jan at 6:00 PM

Exhibition text


Closing of the exhibition by Jenneta Petch and Szymon Kula.

To mark the occasion, the artists have invited Radouan Zeghidour to add a new installation to the exhibition.

The works were produced with the support of the DRAC PACA programme of individual aid for creation.

Glassbox-Sud is supported by the Drac Occitanie and the city of Montpellier.

Visual: Sofia Lautrec

Jennetta Petch (UK) & Szymon Kula (Poland) are visual artists. Graduates of the Glasgow School of Art (Scotland, UK), they have been working together since they moved to Lyon in 2018. Following a residency at La Factatory in 2020, the duo moved to Embrun in the Southern Alps.

Like a ragpicker, Radouan Zeghidour has been working on the social and spatial margins of the capital, collecting information on a number of occasions to weave together a sort of herbarium of concrete. Now that this grimoire of the underworld has been closed, he is continuing his work in a hamlet nestling in the heart of the Hautes-Alpes, exploring the possibilities of collecting on ridges and glaciers, using raw, living or organic materials.