Glassbox, 20 ans

Tombolo Presses & Glassbox, 24€

With texts by Clémence Agnez, Saadane Afif, Jean-Christophe Arcos, Dominique Blais, Nicolas Bourriaud, Collectif 1.0.3, Lucille de Witte, Élie During, Flora Katz, Sarah Ihler-Meyer, Irma Name (Hélène Deléan and Clément Caignart) , Sabrina Issa, Patrice Joly, Sophie Lapalu, Ingrid Luquet-Gad, Éric Mangion, Olivier Marboeuf, Pedro Morais, Stefan Nikolaev, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Joël Riff.

A look back at two decades of activities by one of the first Parisian artist-run spaces, which offers a global reflection on the conditions for the emergence of independent and collective places, and their inclusion in the institutional and artistic scene.

Editorial direction

Clémence Agnez

Graphic design

Syndicat (Sacha Léopold & François Havegeer)

Editorial Coordination

Alisson Haguenier


Les Presses du Réel